Thursday, February 14, 2008


Valentines deserves a blog! It has been a crazy day, but a good one. Walker woke up this morning to a Cars balloon and a power ranger movie and the best an ice cream cake for breakfast! Thanks to Big Daddy and Mimay! He went to school on a crazy sugar high and came home from school even higher! Its one of those days where you have to let craziness just be! I was quite surprised when Conor came home for lunch with flowers, a sweet card, and reeses (my favorite) After 10 years together he has mastered Valentines... I have put together some special stuff for him for tonight! I have to say I love the men in my life and adore both of them for their sweet hearts and the joy that they bring in their adoration of me. ( I have to say their looks don't hurt either!) Unfortunately I am at school and not spending the day with them which is where I would rather be, but I am thankful nonetheless that we will all eat dinner together tonight! Walker still doesn't believe that the balloon and movie came from us, he thinks some kind of "Valentines Santa" left it for him... oh well what can you do. Anyway I hope that everyone has someone to love on Valentines Day, whether it be friends, romantic, kiddos, or if you are just spending it with the Lord! I am thankful for a day of love to let the loves of my life know how much I adore them! Happy Valentines Day!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Beautiful Sabado!

Ok its been a week so I guess I can write again. We spent the entire day at the park and it was beautiful, sunny, and 70 degrees! I so needed the warmth of the sunlight on my face and some time in the fresh air! Although we had a great time playing with our great new friends and eating hot dogs I was filled with sadness today and not really sure why. Maybe its because its February and that means that March is coming and I am dreading the month of March because it used to be one of my favorite months because March 12 is Michael's birthday, but now not only is March 12 his birthday but March 11 is the day he died. This March 11 will be 4 years! I can't believe he has been gone that long! I haven't seen, heard, or talked to my favorite person in 4 years... wow.. thats a long time! I sure do miss him! I don't know how people deal with the loss of a loved one without the Holy Spirit. Today I had to continue to remind myself that I will see him again one day and when I do I will never have to worry about him or loose him again! What a blessing to have a Savior and to know that we will be united with our loved ones one day. My emotions are rampid and my poor little family suffers from it as I lash out at them and try to make other things the reason for my sadness. Tonight as I sit and reflect I realize that I need to actually hug them a little tighter and hold their precious bodies close to me as I go through this hard time of year because it reminds me of how we never know! I am so thankful that I have so many people to love and be loved by in my life! Through the pain and the trials life is pretty amazing and today was an example of one of those beautiful days!

Monday, February 4, 2008

I Even Procrastinate A Blog

OK I started creating this blog last week and here I am finally writing my first entry. It turns out I procrastinate everything even those things that were started as a form of procrastinating more important things. I am sitting thinking of something profound to say as I write my first entry and nothing comes to mind. I guess I an update on life is in order. Conor finally finished school in December! He passed his board exam last week and he now works at Carolina Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine! We are so excited about this, and I am so proud of my husband! He has worked hard for this, and it was a wonderful moment when we were all getting dressed this morning and he told Walker that he likes to go to work! I mean everyone should enjoy going to work... if you have to work you should do something that you enjoy doing! I am happy that my husband is doing something fulfilling that he enjoys and most of all that he is serving others through it! I have to admit that I am bitter that he no longer has school work and I do. Saturday night when I was working on homework and he was snuggling with Walker watching a movie I was most jealous! Overall we are doing well and God is good! To not have the financial stress that we have lived with for the past 4 years is a relief and reminds me that my Lord is faithful and it is all in His timing! I am just counting my blessings at this point in my life and thanking him for this big milestone on our journey and for having a husband who can provide and a healthy and incredible little boy!